ShuDudu's Home was started in 2011, but the web data is lost, so now begin again, I would like to make some friends, I hope you like ShuDudu's home.
Current position: ShuDudu's Home > again

about again

Net WebDream to be a boy, are you

Monday on August 10th, 20204004 viewsRead more

LifeBarber, start all over again

Wednesday on June 17th, 20204007 viewsRead more

OtherIn the sad side

Wednesday on May 20th, 20204008 viewsRead more

OtherWith talk again: the reality and the ideal

Friday on March 13th, 20204005 viewsRead more

OtherGoldenthal Hill again

Wednesday on February 19th, 20204008 viewsRead more

LifeAbnormal weather, speechless people

Friday on March 2nd, 20073867 viewsRead more

LifeBD's Poison: BD Guards?

Thursday on March 30th, 20063876 viewsRead more

LifeIt's hard to guard against...

Friday on October 14th, 20053882 viewsRead more

LifeAutumn passes and winter comes

Thursday on January 1st, 19703867 viewsRead more