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BD's Poison: BD Guards?

Thursday on March 30th, 2006Life

Kaspersky Virus Report:

Infection File: BDguard.sys

Virus Name:

Every time the system is started, a warning will pop up on the firewall: Virus Found! Kill and restart, and. Kill again and start again, the problem remains. I looked carefully at the infection file: BDguard.sys? I found that this name looks weird. Could BDguard be B-DGuard? IE has installed BD Bar. Is it because he is the reason? After deleting and restarting, the problem was solved.

I searched the Internet and found that I wasn't the only one who got caught. It seems that BD is indeed a rogue and created a SYS file to protect his toolbar. I had been using his search and installing his toolbar, which felt quite good. This time, OUT!

Copyright Protection: ShuDudu from the original article, reproduced Please keep the link: