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My Blog: My Thoughts, My Theme.

Thursday on January 1st, 1970Life

Someone asked: What should I put on a Blog? I said I didn't know.
I really don't know. There are many stories on my Blog, including work, life, seeing, and thinking...

To be honest, there really is no large traffic in this state, and there is no possibility of a large traffic. Firstly, there are no fashion topics, and secondly, there are no privacy stories, revealing photos or anything (Hehe, I want to reveal them, the key is who will see a few ribs?!). But what does it matter? I feel that blogging is like a hobby. If I want to fix it, I can do it twice. If you don't want to move, you can grow flowers, plant grass, etc.

In terms of content, I have always only put things that I am interested in, some interesting things that I can share with friends, things that I can flip through after a long time, or some journal items. So, it's a bit messy. After all, people are complex animals, and there is always something emotional about them. This is just my word, only for me, people who are interested in me, and people who are interested in me.

So this is my theme: Internet (online), life (offline), my opinions (thoughts and opinions).

PS: By the way, I would like to talk about the meaning of this domain name. Because Xiao's surname is Chen, people usually call Xiao Chen. Some of the intimate terms are: Chen (representing er), which is the origin of Chen er.

Of course, it can be explained in a foreign way, it is Chen ER. For example: Designer DESIGN ER. I don't know if I can make words like this, but I can understand memories like this.
On the other hand, to explain it more rudely, it is also CHNE ER. But this is directly pinyin, Chen [CHEN] second [ER]. Ranked second in the family, he is known as the second boy in the Jianghu.

PS again: Let's advertise, you see it right, WWW.CHENER. NET!

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