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Turn back forty years in time.

Thursday on January 1st, 1970Life

The community owners 'committee recently issued a draft opinion on authorizing the owners' committee to handle certain issues in the community and the owners 'committee's financial management charter, soliciting the owners' signature and consent.

This is because there are unfavorable factors to the developer and the existing property management company to which the developer belongs, as well as issues in the financial management charter that may require the owner to subsidize office expenses. Some owners who support the property management company (according to sources, they are the developers and family members of the property management company employees) began to rage in the community, saying that the members of the owners 'committee are against the property management company for the members' own interests. They also posted big-character posters in the community, held "criticism meetings" to bombard members of the owners 'committee, and shouted slogans "Down with the owners' committee" and "Step down the owners 'committee."

The scene was quite vigorous, which scared me. I thought it was another big battle. I really didn't expect that the struggle between owners and developers would turn into an internal conflict between owners. The two factions clashed in the courtyard garden of the community, and there was a fierce conflict.

couldn't help but sigh. Is this necessary? After watching the class struggle the night before last, it was basically unreasonable. Especially the few middle-aged women who took the lead, they seemed to scold the street, which was no different from being naughty. Watching their performance was even more exciting than watching a farce, I couldn't help but believe that their family members were the developers. If it was for the interests of the owners, would they be so involved in the drama? If there were such a "talent" who really thought about the community owners, wouldn't any bullshit problems have been solved long ago. Let alone developers, even the king of heaven and earth has broken hands, feet and skull.

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