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Embracing Studio8

Thursday on October 27th, 2005Life

In the spirit of never using the E version if there is a Chinese version. Although Studio8 has been out for so long and has long been longing for it, I still endure it until today.

Unexpectedly, when using a good Studio8 on the company's machine, it couldn't be installed on the home machine.
Except for Fireworks 8, the other two stations stop at the beginning of the day after the negotiation process is completed and the selection process is completed.
It took five or six hours to keep installing, deleting, and downloading... It just can't.

Think... Check... Finally, after turning off the virus firewall, the installation was successful.

I don't know if there is anyone who is as depressed as me, but my virus firewall is Kaspersky 4.5 Professional.

--------------------I saw Studio8 eggs from Blueidea---------------

Flash 8 eggs

Fireworks 8 In About FW, hold down the Ctrl key, and then click "8".

Dreamweaver 8 is still the same old way, hold down Ctrl and double-click the picture preview window in the property panel.

In addition, enter Dreamweaver in the text color input box of the Property Panel
You can see a pinball game (mouse up and down to control).

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