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Sima Guang, why did you smash the tank?

Friday on October 28th, 2005Life

it's interesting to see such a story on the website of Chongqing Evening News.

I told the story of Sima Guang smashing the cylinder in class, and then asked the students to ask questions. As a result, the students' problems almost made me depressed to death.
the first student: "teacher, what is a cylinder?"
I'm dizzy! Today's junior high school students don't know what a jar is. I had to draw the shape of a cylinder on the blackboard. Tell him: "the cylinder is a common household container."
the second student: "where did you buy the cylinder?" How much is it? "
this question is not important, next!
but the student also asked, "it's important, sir, if that tank is expensive, you can't smash it, just like I won't smash the TV at home, will I?"
I glared at him: "next classmate!"
the third classmate asked, "what is the cylinder for?"
is another childish question. A student rushed and said, "I know, my grandparents pickled pickles in the household jar."
I had to explain: "in ancient times, every family had a tank for storing water."
the fourth student immediately asked, "do they often stop water or do they owe water bills?"
it seems that it is really important for students to have history lessons. Have to explain: "at that time, there was no tap water, people took river water or well water and stored it in the tank every day."
"there is no running water, which shows that ancient people are stupid, or we modern people are smart." The student sighed with emotion.
the fifth student: "Why doesn't that tank have a lid?" If there is a lid, the child will not fall. Besides, ancient people should also pay attention to hygiene, ah, there is no lid, dust, insects, dirty things all fall into it, and people will get sick when they eat. "
I. This has nothing to do with it! "the one with the lid fell to one side."
I realized that it was not the way to ask questions like this, and I might be confused by these guys, so I had to use a tried-and-tested method to let good students with good understanding ask questions. I motioned to the sports commissioner.
Sports commissioner: "how high is that tank?" He went so far as to follow the train of thought ahead.
"probably. As high as my shoulder! " Originally wanted to say and I am 1.8 meters tall, but I have never seen such a high tank, can be said to be too short Sima Guang also do not have to save people.
the sports commissioner did not see my sign: "so tall, how did the child get up there?" Is there a ladder or did you jump in from a height? I can't go up there. How big is the boulder? How old is Sima Guang? Teacher, you said that Sima Guang was also a child at that time, can he hold a big stone? If the water in that tank is not deep enough, there will be no danger for the child to fall into it, so there is no need to save it. " In spite of my pale face, the guy went on to say to himself, "since you want to save, prove that the water in the tank is deep enough or full." Being able to withstand the pressure of so much water and the cylinder is not broken means that the cylinder wall is thick and strong enough. Since Sima Guang is just a child and can't hold a big stone, can he break a big jar that is thick and strong enough with a small stone? Impossible! Even if he took out the spirit of grinding an iron pestle into a needle and smashed it patiently until it was broken, even if he finally broke the jar, the child would have drowned long ago, so. "
" stop! " I stopped him from going on.
I pinned my last hope on the monitor: "what inspiration did you get from Sima Guang's story of smashing the cylinder?"
the monitor stood up and took a deep breath: "teacher, the inspiration I got is the same as that of my classmates, that is, this story is false!"
I fell down on the podium in front of my eyes, and I was furious: Sima Guang! Why are you smashing the tank?
the story of "Sima Guang smashing the cylinder" is very familiar. I don't know if there are any texts in primary school textbooks. After reading this story, I can only sigh for a long time: children nowadays are really thoughtful.

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