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Locked the key in the house for the first time.

Monday on November 28th, 2005Life

I think I am not a careless person. I have never forgotten my keys at home in my memory.

However, as the saying goes, how can you not get your shoes wet when walking by the river? No, I fell for it.

I was dizzy from watching TV on the weekend. I remembered that it was noon to go downstairs and buy some side dishes."Remember to bring your keys." I didn't finish saying a word, but I had already locked the door.

Oh, this is funny. I'm busy upstairs and downstairs to see if the neighbors are there and see how to get in.

Fortunately, although there were people downstairs on the weekend. Knocking on the door and entering the house, we announced our intentions. Thankfully, although we rarely hang out in the community, the hostess still knew each other and immediately took us to look around to find a suitable place.

I finally found a place, took off my coat and shoes, and was ready to start. To be honest, I haven't practiced for a long time. I haven't exercised except for walking at work. Look at the distance, it's really tough.

After thinking about it, I feel that it would be better to ask our dear fire fighters for help. Just about to make a phone call, the female neighbor said: It's nothing, it's nothing. I helped you find someone, so I immediately called my brother who was playing cards downstairs. This brother was indeed upright and upright. He came up without saying a word, took a few glances and went up.

Boy, this is the tenth floor. Watching him crawl easily, our hearts were in our throats with nervousness.

The door finally opened, and the fright was just over. I remembered that my neighbor had left without taking a sip of water, so I quickly went downstairs and bought some cigarettes and fruit to thank you again.

I truly realized that distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors!

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