ShuDudu's Home was started in 2011, but the web data is lost, so now begin again, I would like to make some friends, I hope you like ShuDudu's home.
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OtherTo their own songs

Saturday on September 26th, 20204003 viewsRead more

OtherHow to Read a Book

Friday on June 12th, 20204005 viewsRead more

OtherNot my ego

Monday on June 1st, 20204005 viewsRead more

LifeThe woman next door

Thursday on May 28th, 20204006 viewsRead more

OtherHow to de-list? (Non-Raiders)

Saturday on May 23rd, 20204001 viewsRead more

Lifein your life which only lasts

Wednesday on October 21st, 20093867 viewsRead more

LifeTOM delisted online

Monday on September 3rd, 20073866 viewsRead more


Tuesday on November 29th, 20053877 viewsRead more

LifeDigital TV is here...

Wednesday on November 23rd, 20053878 viewsRead more

LifeNewman Audio and Video King M360 upgrade notes.

Thursday on October 13th, 20053878 viewsRead more