ShuDudu's Home was started in 2011, but the web data is lost, so now begin again, I would like to make some friends, I hope you like ShuDudu's home.
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about S Video

Net WebXiaoying use of NAS storage video

Saturday on January 23rd, 20214007 viewsRead more

Net WebBuy a vps play (5)

Sunday on July 26th, 20204006 viewsRead more

Net WebBuy a vps play (3)

Sunday on July 26th, 20204004 viewsRead more

OtherSong: I'll think of you

Friday on July 3rd, 20204004 viewsRead more

OtherYou dream

Monday on April 6th, 20204003 viewsRead more

LifeYoung recalls: 4 years, why my video no fire?

Wednesday on March 11th, 20204003 viewsRead more

OtherHome - Video Share

Wednesday on January 29th, 20204006 viewsRead more

LifeNewman Audio and Video King M360 upgrade notes.

Thursday on October 13th, 20053878 viewsRead more

LifeConnect the computer's S-Video port to the TV

Tuesday on October 11th, 20053876 viewsRead more