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Connect the computer's S-Video port to the TV

Tuesday on October 11th, 2005Life

Today, I bought an S2S cable to connect my computer to my TV. It still feels good to use a TV on demand series.

Now I don't have to curl up in the chair and watch. It feels really comfortable lying on the sofa and watching. Haha...
Finally achieved our goal: never stand if we can sit, and never sit if we can lie down. Carry out the fall to the end.

It is highly recommended that compatriots who have S-Video ports on their graphics cards also have the entire cable.

My machine:
Graphics card: GF2 MX440
One cable from S-Video to S-Video.

Connect the S-port of your computer to the S-port of your TV.
Operation 1: Click NVIDIA Settings, select nVIEW, and select Copy->Display + TV. You can see the display on your computer and TV at the same time. You can also choose a single monitor-TV or monitor to switch from TV or monitor.
Operation 2. Right-click on the desktop to display the Properties->Advanced->Click related graphics card->nVIEW operation.

1. Install the drivers that come with the graphics card or relevant updated versions of the drivers. Don't use only the drivers built into XP.
2. The TV must be switched to S-VHS mode.

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