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Primary school enrollment details Fuzhou five areas

Tuesday on June 23rd, 2020Other

Five District 20 elementary school admissions explain the details

There are real estate and grandparents, parents want to share more than 50?There are real estate and friends, the children do not meet the conditions for scribing

1. The parent (mother) and minor children Total property, such as a parent with school-age children in the household with the location of the property, and as a daily live, their school-age children can dicing.

2. There are parents and grandparents of real estate (except for grandparents, parents, no one else on the real estate license, parents share in the property to 50?nd above), school-age children and a parent account in the real estate is located, and as a daily residence, school-age children can dicing school.

3. A total of school-age children and grandparents of real estate (except grandparents, school-age children, there is no other real estate license, school-age children in the share of real estate and more than 50? school-age children and a parent account in the real estate is located, and as a daily residence, school-age children can dicing.

4. both parents, grandparents five areas had no property, school-age children and one parent in the household ancestors had property is located, and as a daily residence, if they can provide the relationship between grandparents and parents had proof of its school-age children can draw film school.

5. school-age children alone real estate holdings and accounts in the real estate is located, and as a daily residence, school-age children can dicing.

6. parents of school-age children with others (except grandparents) There are a property, school-age children do not meet the total property location dicing conditions.

7. Both parents indeed due to practical difficulties did not purchase five areas, the Buddhist Association of rental housing and public rental Authority, the parents hold leases, one of the parents of school-age children and the household registration in the public housing, and as a regular place of residence, school-age children can dicing. Grandparents, parents, five district did not purchase, grandparents and hold the Buddhist Association of the Housing Authority public housing leases, parent and school-age children to grandparents as a public rental residence daily, and the household (such as grandparents domicile is not in the same place the same location should provide proof of immediate family relationships), school-age children can dicing in public rental location.

8. In the rental units of public rental of school-age children are not eligible for public rental location in dicing school.

9. age children or parents rent the Buddhist Association of Housing Authority public housing, school-age children do not meet the conditions grandparents Property location dicing school.

10. School-age children as foster parents adoption, not newspaper accounts, if they can prove that issued by the civil affairs department of the adoption by the foster parents account where the District Education and Manpower Placement.

11. There are illegitimate and legitimate children of the household enjoy the same admissions policy.

12. No residence, but the birth certificate to prove that their parents domicile District School Board school-age children to co-ordinate arrangements for admission (the same applies to the household not born out of wedlock).

13. there is still a degree of school children or wife to receive, should arrange the household registration in the chip but does not meet the conditions of life of school-age children in the film.

14. The five areas are inconsistent with migrant workers work to live, the school-age children from the school to arrange the district of residence of Education.

15. The father (mother) children or wife to apply for graduate Housing Authority public housing leases without providing parents hold a residence permit, may participate in public rental Diannaopaiwei the district, the parent (mother) holds a share of 50 properties within the area ?inclusive) or more eligible children or wife have equal priority in allocation.

16. School-age children account is not in the five areas, one of the parents collectively account for the five districts, the other holding a residence permit in different areas, to participate in the district Diannaopaiwei actual place of residence.

17. School-age children account is not in the five areas, both parents hold a residence permit in different areas, where the actual place of residence by the District Education and Manpower Placement.

18. For children or wife does not meet the farmers and migrant workers into the city to purchase care policies, but parents have to purchase Banfangchanzheng, such as providing notice of registration certificate, their children or wife and father (mother) holds a share of the property within the jurisdiction 50?inclusive) or more eligible children or wife have equal priority of allocation; parents provide the purchase contract and Real estate trading Center Write proof material, children or wife may participate Diannaopaiwei.

19. When school-age children should be enrolled if they can provide year subject to the approval of delaying admission, in line with the policy by dicing raw chip Placement, in line with children or wife attended public school conditions by the district of residence for Education and Manpower Placement . If you can not provide the year of enrollment should be subject to the approval of slow Admission, Placement by the Exit and Entry Administration Department of Education.

20. Schools should respect the wishes of the parents of children with disabilities, such as regular class schools not willing to reject in ordinary schools.

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