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Sequela of mobile phone fraud: Wenzhou UnionPay's 100,000 real bonus is not received

Thursday on November 24th, 2005Life

Xinhua news Network news Recently, Wenzhou UnionPay held a bank card swiping prize event, but a strange thing happened that no one received the bonus.

"Nowadays, there are many scams of text messages and phone calls, and we even call us to inform consumers to receive awards, but we are still mistaken for scammers." Wu Hong, general manager of the Wenzhou business department of China UnionPay, said that among the winners of credit card consumption in September this year, three of the five grand prizes have not been claimed so far, and a total of nearly 100,000 yuan has been awarded.

In order to encourage credit card consumption, Wenzhou City UnionPay and the Banking Association began to hold bank card swiping prize activities with 14 local card issuing banks in June this year. As long as you hold a bank card issued by 14 card issuing banks in Wenzhou City and swipe your card on the direct POS machines of UnionPay network special merchants in Wenzhou City (including counties and cities), you will have a chance to win the prize if the amount exceeds 50 yuan. As a result, Wenzhou's bank card utilization rate has greatly increased. According to statistics, from January to October, Wenzhou had a total of 1.85 million credit card transactions, with a credit card amount of 4.2 billion yuan. Among them, the credit card transaction volume and credit card amount in October increased by 35% and 39% respectively compared with the same period last year.

As business volume increased, an embarrassment occurred. Due to the widespread spread of fake information fraud on mobile phones, when UnionPay staff called to inform cardholders to come to receive the award, they were also mistaken for fraud and refused to believe it. In addition, some cardholders did not promptly notify the bank to make corresponding data changes, resulting in the inability of banks and UnionPay staff to notify the winners of the award information, the vast majority of whom are debit card users. So far, five prizes have been awarded in the prize-winning activities. Among them, in June, July, August and September, which have exceeded the time for receiving awards, a total of 8 grand prizes of 5000 yuan and 273 small prizes of 200 yuan have not been claimed, which means that a total of 94,600 yuan in bonuses cannot be distributed.


Hehe, I don't know whose fault it is. I don't believe what should be believed, and I believe what should not be believed. Who can tell the difference between the truth and the false?

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