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Don't let computers murder your eyes

Wednesday on September 14th, 2005Life

recently, I feel uncomfortable all over and feel sleepy when I sit in front of the computer. My eyes are dry and swollen. I saw an article to protect my eyes in NetEase.

it seems that we should pay attention to the adjustment.
Dietary strategies

in order to prevent computer operators from suffering from occupational diseases such as xerophthalmia, experts warn to pay attention to a reasonable diet. Breakfast should be well eaten and nutritious to ensure exuberant energy and enough calories. Chinese food should eat more high-protein foods, such as lean pork, beef, mutton, chicken and duck, animal offal, all kinds of fish, beans and so on. Dinner should be light, eat more high-vitamin food, such as a variety of fresh vegetables, eat some fresh fruit after dinner. At the same time, choose foods that are high in phospholipids, such as egg yolks, fish, shrimp, walnuts, peanuts and so on. It is also necessary to consciously choose foods that protect the eyes, such as daily eye-healthy foods such as liver, milk, sheep's milk, cream, millet, walnuts, carrots, green vegetables, spinach, cabbage, tomatoes, cauliflower, Chinese cabbage, wolfberry and all kinds of fresh fruits. As long as we pay attention to the dietary structure and the combination of work and rest, we can enhance the body's resistance and prevent the occurrence of related diseases.

Daily precautions

avoid operating the computer continuously for a long time and pay attention to the intermission. Usually operate continuously for 1 hour and rest for 5-10 minutes. You can look at the distance or do eye exercises during the rest.

maintain good working posture. Maintain the most appropriate posture so that the eyes look flat or slightly down at the screen, which relaxes the neck muscles and minimizes the area of the eyeball exposed to the air.

the distance between the eyes and the computer screen should be more than 60 cm.

the surrounding light should be soft, the brightness of the computer screen should be appropriate, the definition should be good, and the height of tables and chairs should match the height of the computer.

if you have dry, red eyes, burning or foreign body sensation, or even eyeball distension and pain, and still have no obvious improvement after rest, you need to see an ophthalmologist.
from: NetEase Community

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