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Google and Dr. Kaifu Lee

Tuesday on September 13th, 2005Life

Google launched a Blog blog about Google and Dr. Kaifu Lee.

take a look at Google's introduction:

Welcome to our new blog blog of Dr. Kaifu Lee! As many people may know, we hired Dr. Li in July to set up our product R & D center in China. Shortly after being hired, Microsoft, Dr. Li's former employer, sued Dr. Li and Google.
We want to help Dr. Li and Google's Chinese friends keep abreast of events through a temporary blog in Chinese. Because legal issues can sometimes be very complicated and may confuse some people.
We will post a variety of content on this blog to keep you abreast of the progress of the incident, including summary of proceedings, court records, and our interpretation of the incident. We will also often share with you our legal views on this case through one of our lawyers. At the right time, we will also ask Dr. Li to write something.
We hope that this blog will help Chinese friends understand the complex legal procedures as far away as California.
-- Google

the above comes from:

is a little interesting, let's see the Google style of public relations, and don't forget to promote by the way.
hehe, it seems that Blog is playing a more and more important role in all aspects.

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