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Maintain the chastity of web designers

Monday on December 19th, 2005Life

We have long been accustomed to web design as our works have been revised and modified. Even, already numb.

Today, I saw a shout, or a shock. Did we change the world, or did the world change us?

stick to the chastity of a web designer?

-from: Muzi Li's ink house--

this is a problem that every hardworking web designer will face.

A small survey in the morning made me unable to remain silent.

the cause of the investigation is that the company asked for repeated changes to a web page, and even provided cases that customers thought were more satisfactory. But I don't think this case is any better than what I did. Of course there is my bias, I think. Out of doubt about myself, I sent two sites to dozens of friends on QQ at the same time to see the public eye. Among these people, there are professional web designers, IT people engaged in other types of work on the Internet, and students, broadcasters, teachers, civil servants who are not related to the Internet. The results of the survey surprised me: nearly 100% of people in the industry thought I did better, while most laymen chose another one.

this is a shocking answer! Although I knew clearly before that there was a contradiction between the two, I did not expect that the contradiction would be so fierce. What should we do with this? Is there something wrong with Volkswagen? Or are we having a problem? As a designer, should we change the public's aesthetic view? Or is it perfunctory? Is it Sichuan cuisine that leads to Chinese tastes? Or is it the taste of the Chinese that makes Sichuan food?

Don't tell me that the two can be reconciled. I no longer believe this nonsense. It's not a matter of style at all. The problem is that the focus of a person who has been engaged in design for a long time is different from that of the general public. For example, men watch girls pay attention to the part above the neck before the age of 18 and below the neck after the age of 18. So you think she is not beautiful because she has a bad face; you think she is beautiful because she has a devil figure. Don't tell me about a girl with both a pretty face and a devil's figure, because you think a pretty face is rubbish in the eyes of Americans.

I once said in the article "random play]," after all, 99% of the diners in the world are not cooks, and most of the people who wear clothes are not fashion designers, but they still have the right to be picky and have the right to criticize and deny. " After the website is uploaded, most viewers are not professional designers, but the general public. Therefore, the vision of the general public must be a very important principle to judge whether a web page is good or bad.

however, however!

however, now most people agree with equality between men and women, which was not the case a hundred years ago; now most men and women hold hands and kiss each other on the street as a common occurrence, which was not the case a few decades ago; now many people shop and sell things online, not at all a few years ago! The times need guidance, and the public need guidance!

public rubbish for grandstanding? Or do Teli alone in the industry boutique? Of course we choose the latter. In terms of the current domestic trend, we must choose the latter. This is the conscience and responsibility of a designer.

there have been articles criticizing the four major features of Chinese web pages, "long flashing and squeezing flowers". Today, it seems that this is an injustice to this part of the designer. They're just following the trend. However, their compromise has also led to an overall decline in the level of web design in China. This is a crime that they must bear.

although change is a difficult thing, it is better than dying in destruction. After all, there are many things that give us hope, such as pop music. Ten years ago, my parents thought that singing and dancing on the stage was not singing. They thought that something like "the Sea depends on the Helmsman" was called a song. However, they are now looking at Na Ying, Faye Wong, Zhang Xinzhe and even Wang Rong Chou Jay.

the Internet has no history. The history of the Internet needs to be created by our generation. We need to do something. Stick to the chastity of web designers; at the same time, try to infect the aesthetics of everyone around you.

that's what I'm talking about.

-from: Muzi Li's overflowing ink residence-

Comrade Muzi Li's point of view is very awakening.

but life is always so cruel. Make us already sink, because what we want is not virginity, what we want is more MONEY!

all men are equal before God. God and man are never equal unless we also become God.

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