ShuDudu's Home was started in 2011, but the web data is lost, so now begin again, I would like to make some friends, I hope you like ShuDudu's home.
Current position: ShuDudu's Home > Summer

about Summer

Lifetrip to Cairo

Friday on April 9th, 20214012 viewsRead more

LifePast does not smoke

Wednesday on September 23rd, 20204006 viewsRead more

LifeSad, but also to class

Thursday on August 13th, 20204007 viewsRead more

LifeRidge drum, a turn, see

Tuesday on July 7th, 20204000 viewsRead more

OtherPoet Li Bai

Thursday on May 21st, 20204010 viewsRead more

OtherSpring summer driving spring flowers

Tuesday on March 31st, 20204003 viewsRead more

OtherI do not want to end high school summer vacation

Wednesday on February 19th, 20204002 viewsRead more

LifeSummer begins

Wednesday on January 29th, 20204011 viewsRead more

LifeThere are a lot of mosquitoes this summer

Thursday on May 24th, 20073866 viewsRead more


Sunday on July 24th, 20053878 viewsRead more

Lifeupset and irritable

Thursday on January 1st, 19703875 viewsRead more