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experts say

Thursday on December 14th, 2006Life

Television, newspapers, and the Internet, all eyes are filled with experts saying...

Experts say: House prices will rise.
Experts say: Tuition fees are not high yet...
Experts say: The employment situation is promising...
Experts say: The people's happiness index is very high...
Experts say: People save too much, so consumption should be stimulated...
Experts say: Those with high fees must maintain "China characteristics", and those with low fees must be fully "international standards."

Research on this side shows that children should start learning English from an early age, and the smaller the better; on the other side points out that children should play more when they are young and do not need to learn mathematics before primary school.

The national economy and people's livelihood have been studied, but some experts have started using our ancestors.

No, some experts say the English word for "Dragon" is "Dragon-on". It is considered to be a domineering and aggressive giant in the Western world. The image of "dragon" often causes foreigners who have little understanding of China's history and culture to have some unrealistic associations. Therefore, it is possible that China's image symbol will no longer be "dragon" in the future? In order to help Westerners eliminate misunderstanding and hostility towards dragons, we have voluntarily given up being descendants of dragons!

Through this topic, I finally understood that some experts are descendants of dogs, so they cannot spit out ivory.

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