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[ZT]An superfluous sentence

Tuesday on October 18th, 2005Life

I have made an important discovery that when people conflict, the root cause does not lie in what they mainly say.

what is the reason? I found that it was the last thing people said after they had said what they wanted to say. Without this sentence, everyone is actually communicating very amicably, and once this sentence is added, the conversation will become a quarrel, and it will get worse and worse, and the situation will eventually get out of hand. The problem is that the content of this sentence often has nothing to do with what you want to say, so I call it "the superfluous last sentence".

give an example.

I went to work by bus that day. There were not many people on board, but there were no empty seats. Several people were still standing, dangling from the handle. A young man, thin and dry, wears glasses and has several large bags beside him. He looks like he has just arrived from out of town. He leaned against the conductor and studied it carefully with a map in his hand, with a confused look in his eyes from time to time. I guess I got a little lost.

after hesitating for a long time, he sheepishly asked the conductor, "where should I get off to go to the Summer Palace?" The conductor is a short-haired girl who is picking her fingernails. She looked up at the boy out of town and said, "you're sitting in the wrong direction. You should go to the opposite side and sit back." It doesn't matter if you want to say these words, wrong boy get off at the next stop and sit back across the street. But the conductor didn't finish. It was time for her to say the last superfluous word. "I can't even read it with a map, so there's no point in looking at it!" Said the conductor girl without raising her eyelids. The out-of-town boy is a well-bred man. He smiled, put away the map and prepared to get off at the next stop and transfer to the next station.

there is an old man next to him who can't listen any more. He said to the out-of-town boys, "you don't have to sit back. You can get there by changing 904 for four more stops." If that's the end of what he said, that's really good. It not only helps others, but also restores the image of Beijingers. But how can the uncle just stop like this? he must finish the superfluous last sentence: "Today's young people, there is no one educated!"

I thought to myself, my uncle's words are really superfluous. there are many young people in the car, so the hitting surface is too big! Yes, a young lady standing next to my uncle could not help saying, "Sir, we can't say that young people are uneducated. After all, there are only a few uneducated people." What have we become when you say so? "

this young lady is stylishly dressed, with two thin straps hanging a small vest, bright makeup on her face and her hair dyed into a fiery red umbrella. But when you look at people, you don't look like an uneducated person who returns "you, you" to my uncle. But she couldn't help saying the "superfluous last word"! "you look kind in your old age, and there are a lot of bad water in your stomach!"

it's not normal for no one to criticize the fashionable lady. Well, a middle-aged elder sister said, "how can you, a girl, talk to the old man like that? be polite." Do you say the same to your parents? " You see how well the eldest sister criticizes! As soon as the girl's parents were carried out, the girl immediately fell silent.

Let's just say it's over. That's it. Let's just do what we have to do. Don't forget, the eldest sister's "superfluous last word" hasn't been said yet. "look at you. I guess your parents can't control you. Dress up like a chicken! "

what happens later can be imagined. To put it simply, it is possible to get killed. You can arrive at the station with so much noise and noise. As soon as the door opened, the conductor girl said, "stop fighting, get off the bus and don't delay your work." Of course, she didn't forget to say the last superfluous sentence: "if you want to fight, get out of the car and fight. I'm not leaving until I get out of the car!" Is it annoying? " Is it annoying? Annoying! Not only is she bored, but all the passengers are bored! The whole carriage can be called blowing up the nest, scolding the conductor, scolding the foreign boys, cursing the fashionable lady, cursing the middle-aged elder sister, scolding the weather, scolding their own children, it is really noisy, not to mention lively! The out-of-town boy didn't speak all the time. I guess he couldn't stand it anymore. he shouted, "everybody stop fighting!" It's all my fault. I didn't read the map myself, which made everyone angry. Even if you do me a favor, will you stop fighting? " Hearing him say this, of course, the people on the bus were embarrassed to quarrel any more, and the voice soon died down, and a few people whispered a few words and then stopped talking. But don't forget that the "superfluous last words" of the out-of-town boys haven't been said yet: "if I had known that Beijingers were so unreasonable, I might as well not have come!"

do you want to know the final result of the matter? I didn't get things done that day. I first went to the police station to take a statement, and then went to the hospital surgery to deal with the wound on my head. The wound on my head was hit by the ticket box by the conductor girl in the melee. Don't think I was involved in their fight. I was there to persuade them. I appeal to let them all calm down a little bit, have something to say, there is no big deal, there is no need to beat their heads.

my superfluous last sentence is like this: "isn't it just that the conductor speaks improperly?" Just take her as a fool and argue with her! "

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