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Chongqing Yangtze River Bridge Double Line Bridge opens to traffic

Thursday on January 1st, 1970Life

From last month to the opening of traffic, to the beginning of this month, and to the middle of the month. It's the 25th, and I think I'll have to wait until the National Day to make a gift. Suddenly, the traffic was opened, and the people on the south bank, who had been crowded for several years, finally looked forward to "liberation."

It is said that this can be opened to traffic as soon as possible, and we also want to thank Comrade Mayor for his strict criticism.

After the completion of the double-track bridge, due to the lack of a timely unified understanding of the acceptance standards and basis by relevant municipal departments and units in organizing the completion acceptance, they were unable to timely connect various acceptance activities and speed up relevant acceptance procedures, and the completion and opening of the bridge were delayed. The opening hours were also announced at random and constantly changed in a very unserious manner, causing repeated disappointment to the general public. Wang Hongju criticized relevant departments and relevant staff for not having a strong sense of service development. In coordinating and organizing acceptance work, they failed to be anxious about the people's needs and the development of Chongqing. They were at different steps, were not tight, and lacked a sense of responsibility. The work style was not solid and rigorous, and three times misreported the opening date, which undermined the public's concern and enthusiasm for the construction of key municipal projects.

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