ShuDudu's Home was started in 2011, but the web data is lost, so now begin again, I would like to make some friends, I hope you like ShuDudu's home.
Current position: ShuDudu's Home > Seven

about Seven

OtherWonderful grab seven and my 2K

Monday on December 14th, 20204009 viewsRead more

Life3:09 in the morning

Thursday on April 16th, 20204002 viewsRead more

Net WebTypecho uses seven cows as CDN to cache image files

Wednesday on February 26th, 20204006 viewsRead more

LifeLaqi Laba froze his chin off

Tuesday on January 15th, 20083867 viewsRead more

LifeThis society��

Wednesday on May 16th, 20073867 viewsRead more

LifeTwo or three recent events

Tuesday on April 3rd, 20073866 viewsRead more

Life��Bright Moon Light��

Friday on July 22nd, 20053876 viewsRead more

LifeThe seven swords are here.

Friday on July 22nd, 20053878 viewsRead more

LifeNational Day falls for seven days

Thursday on January 1st, 19703867 viewsRead more