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Wait once in a thousand years

Wednesday on June 7th, 2006Life

Yesterday was June 06, 2006

. Everyone said that it was the once-in-a-millennium date on June 666, so I didn't feel much. Speaking of June 6, I only have Zhao Lirong's sketch in mind, June 6, June 6...

I have received many blessing messages from my friends, and I am really grateful to them. I'm sorry that my mobile phone was turned on last night and it was still thrown on the sofa. I couldn't find the text message in time, so I didn't reply. Because it was 3 a.m. when I saw it.

It's been a long time since 3 o'clock passed. This morning, two alarm clocks failed to wake me up. Fortunately, the biological clock still didn't fail much, so I opened my eyes in a daze and saw that it was 8:50.

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