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The light rain on the sky street is as moist as crisp, and the color of the grass can be seen from a distance but not seen near.

Thursday on April 20th, 2006Life

Google's official FLASH, Chinese mountains and rivers interpret the joy of the valley.

The light rain on the sky street is as moist as crisp, and the color of the grass can be seen from a distance but not seen near. Today is such a day, full of spring and vitality.

In this farming season, Google named it "Google". Taking the valley as a song is a song of sowing and expectation, as well as a song of harvest and joy.

We hope that "Google" can integrate global information for everyone, make it accessible to everyone, and benefit everyone.

Welcome to "Google", let us search for you and give you benefits.

Each piece of information is like a piece of grass, fresh and full of vitality, gathering together to form a new green and boundless.

We treat each website as a voter, and the rankings of all search results are completely determined fairly by these voters "voting" with each other. Because we believe that everyone is equal before information, and only information that is truly publicly selected and trusted by everyone on the Internet is valuable.

We also hope that once you come to Google, you can quickly find the information you need, then leave and do what you want. We work hard to buy you time and constantly find more ways to get information for you.

We once imagined putting a huge server cluster on one ship, allowing gurgling water to generate energy and drive the integration of information. This romantic picture, which at first glance seems infinitely beautiful, tells our pursuit of ideals day and night.

What we integrate today is only a small part of the infinite information. What we need to do is collect information from the world and give it to the people of the world. There is still a lot of information, and there is more we need to do.

Flash Download (2.03MB) gugeflash.swf