made a simple game of smashing golden eggs, which requires 5 golden eggs randomly selected from 50 golden eggs to choose from.
found a function that works well.
ASP/Visual Basic Code
& lt;% & nbsp; function showrnd (xonomy) & nbsp; if y exit function & nbsp; end if & nbsp; redim n (x) & nbsp; dim i,q & nbsp; dim isok & nbsp;  for i=1 to x & nbsp; Randomize & nbsp; n (I) = round ((ymur1) * & nbsp;Rnd) + 1roomnbspp; & nbsp; isok=false & nbsp; do while not isok & nbsp; for q=1 to i & nbsp; if n (I) = n (QFEL) & nbsp;then & nbsp & nbsp; n (I) = Int ((ymer1) * & nbsp;Rnd) + 1 & nbsp; isok=false & nbsp; exit for & nbsp; end if & nbsp; isok=true & nbsp; next & nbsp; loop & nbsp; & nbsp; response.write n (I) & quot;
"  & nbsp; next & nbsp; end function & nbsp; & nbsp; '5 Random numbers generated between 1 and 50 & nbsp; call showrnd (5pm 50) & nbsp; % & gt; Copyright Protection: ShuDudu from the original article, reproduced Please keep the link: