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Solve the memory usage problem of w3wp.exe

Thursday on January 1st, 1970Life

Solving the memory usage problem of w3wp.exe

Under IIS6, it is often common that the memory usage of w3wp cannot be released in time, resulting in a slow response speed of the server.
After studying it today, we can make the following configurations:
1. Configure separate application pools for each website in IIS. That is, they do not affect each other.
2. Set the recycling time of the application pool. The default is 1720 hours, which can be modified according to the situation. At the same time, set the number of w3wp processes running simultaneously to 1. Then set the memory to be automatically reclaimed when more memory or cpu is occupied.

Generally speaking, this can be solved. However, there will still be cases where individual websites cannot be released correctly due to procedural problems.
So, how can I find out which website it is from?

1. Add the display pid field in the task manager. You can see the process pid that consumes the highest memory or cpu
2. Run iisapp -a at the command prompt. Note that the first time you run it, you will be prompted that there is no js support, and click OK. Then just run it again. This allows you to see the application pool corresponding to the pid
3. Go to iis to check the website corresponding to the application pool, and it will be ok.
--------------------From: Meteor's Blog---------------------------------------

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